Monday, April 20, 2009

The Future of Web 2.0

The future of Web 2.0 is referred to as the "Adoption Curve" as seen in this picture.

According to the website the 2008-2009 phase of Web 2.0 is "Hype and Experimentation". This stage is characterized by a bunch of emerging Web 2.0 providers who barely know more than their clients. There are endless Web 2.0 providers today that few of us have even heard of, let alone use. It would be near impossible to be a client of every Web 2.0 service today.

This being the case, "Most Web 2.0 initiatives will fall short of expectations... Because enthusiasts do not understand the application of the disruptive technology, they make false assumptions, and initiatives are not successful, so they are curtailed in a classic backlash", according to This leads to the 2010 phase, which is "Failure and Disappointment". Most of the sites which we are using will fail. Think back to myspace and its booming time, which appears to be slipping quickly.

However, fear not! 2011-2013 will be characterized as "Triumph of Determination". At this point, most organizations have stopped using Web 2.0 as a failure, but those who persist through these hard times will end up with success. This will take a while!

Finally, by 2014-2015 "Persuasive Adoption" will occur. This means mass adoption of the successful Web 2.0 providers. " The Internet has been at this stage for the past several years; the innovations and application to work processes have long been more incremental than during Web 1.0".

So, in conclusion, trust Web 2.0, find the successful providers and persist! YOU can be one of the lucky few to last through the Triumph of Determination age!

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