Saturday, February 21, 2009

Blogger, or journalist?

Today journalism is much more than news papers and television media. Normal people have become a new source of news, gossip, product reports, and much more. Blogs serve as a vehicle for information sharing. Many help feed our knowledge of other people by showing real people's voices and points of view. We want to know what others think, what they are doing, and what they are buying.

Even blogs with important news, such as the blog, are topped with comments from real people. This gives us another perspective on the news. Now we can view the topic, and other's comments and opinions on the issues. It comforts us to hear what everyone else has to say. We no longer have few sources of biased media and skewed information, we have all American people as journalists.

The desire to know what others with many different viewpoints think and say should continue to influence us to follow less conventional media sources. Many online sources, including blogs, can be a good source of information and show us many views and opinions. This new media seems more honest and open. The change from completely government controlled journalism has made the move to our own hands; we can only hope for more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is interesting because I just made a reference to this in my original blog for the week. I commented on how critics of the movie The Reader and by critics I meant anyone who had the ability to blog, had negative opinions on the movie. Critics used to mean people who were actually hired and paid by newspapers, television programs ect. Now anyone can be a critic and these days they are. Everyone comments on everyone elses blogs, tweets, status updates, even comments of other comments. I think one day, journalists are going to be a lost cause because I personally think that some people write better articles/blogs than most of the people who actually get paid for it.